Singer Siomha Hennessy tackles ADHD with new single

Music Review | 17th Jan, 2025 Siomha Hennessy Siomha Hennessy

Dublin-born singer-songwriter and comedian Siomha Hennessy releases the highly anticipated single, Ritalin, - a country-pop anthem about her endless attempts at self-improvement, whilst living with untreated ADHD.

The release showcases Siomha abilities to write comedy-influenced, irreverent lyrics, while maintaining an infectious pop country feel, filled with upbeat melodic hooks. Helping the track along is the Americana influenced trumpet playing of fellow Dubliner, Kevin Foran.

Speaking about Ritalin, Siomha says;

I beat myself up about the ways in which I perceive myself to be falling short in my life. To be fair, I am pretty chaotic. I struggle to manage my day to day routines and I'm chronically late and I smash my phone screen every 6 weeks and....I could go on here listing all the ways in which I regularly mess up.
I wrote Ritalin after a dinner party I attended, where I was telling someone about all the traits I wished I could change about myself, and they told me I was being really harsh on myself. I think a lot of ADHD sufferers struggle with shame, and there's a sense of 'it should be so simple, why do I keep repeating the same mistakes?

Ritalin may be informed by Hennessy's own experience of living with ADHD, but it won't only be ADHD sufferers who will relate to the desire to shake off our old habits and to re-invent ourselves. It is especially resonant at this time of year, January - when the self-improvement discourse ramps up and we optimistically set New Year's Resolutions - determined to wipe the slate clean and become better versions of ourselves.

Siomha Hennessy - Ritalin (Youtube)

The single, Ritalin is available through all streaming platforms.

Photo Credit: Siomaha Hennessy

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